As you are a reminder of the magic within me,
I'm here to remind you of the magic in your vessel.



My name is Stefanie,


facilitator & student of multi-facet healing modalities and techniques.


I have been organizing several gatherings for three years now

to come together in a safe space to express in artful ways.


I love creating the space for your vessel for a calm connection and deep dive within.


I offer 1:1 ceremonies, group ceremonies, workshops & massage.


I describe myself as a ceremonialist & intuitive artist

who works together with my hands, heart & soul
I work together with spirit, the elements of nature

and the divine energy of creation that has many layers

that I feel the call towards to invoke in.

Nature provides us many plant medicines that are of support here to give their guidance
I am devoted to let them be my guides & teachers so I can guide others.


With love,
Free being Stefanie

Visit my instagram account to get a glimpse of my mundane existence and event announcements

& follow my artistic expressions