The full moon indicates a period that is fulfilled, the cycle is round, the moon is full. It is a valuable time to reflect on what has lived and is living in you. What may be seen more can be brought into the light of the moon on this evening and what may be released can go with the completion of the cycle.
I organize a circle on a monthly basis to connect with each other within a circle. We share our processes, we reflect, we support each other and we inspire each other.
The purpose of the moon circle is to create a safe place to gather and reflect on the ups and downs of our lives. We focus on what can release and what new intentions can be. We light a candle for ourselves as symbol for completion and transformation. We take some time to reflect in our journal.
The moon circles often takes the form of a cacao ceremony.
We will work with artistic exercises, meditation & visualization and movement. Sometimes I invite others to share their medicine.
Follow me on instagram for announcements of the full moon circles
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